
What Women Want?

What Women Want?

Timing is everything with relationships and that’s equally true with sex. But how good we are at tapping the pulse of the moment? Research has consistently shown that men tend to believe, women are more sexually interested in them than women actually are, whereas, women believe, men are less sexually interested than men actually are. Why’s there so much contrast in perceiving the sexual motives? What men want and what women want, when they think about sex?


What Men Want from Women

“Our sexual behavior evolved over millennia and is encoded in our brains”


According to evolutionary psychology, our sexual behavior evolved over millennia and is encoded in our brains. Men and women, each has evolved their own mating strategies. Although, we aren’t doomed to act out these genetically wired programs but they do influence our sexual behavior.

An interesting study by David P. Schmitt on sex differences in the desire for sexual variety has suggested that men and women, both, show signs of being programmed to be monogamous in a certain way and promiscuous in a certain way. However, the main difference is in short-term mating strategies, or how men and women go about being promiscuous.


What Men Want

“Men are more likely to say “yes” to sex much more quickly than women”


Women and men, both, seem to be fully equipped for one-night stand and lifelong relationships but when they go for promiscuity, men focus on large numbers whereas women focus on quality. Men are more likely to say “yes” to sex much more quickly than women. On the other hand, women prefer to know and understand their potential partners significantly longer before indulging in sex.


What Women Want from Men

“Women prefer to know and understand their potential sexual partners”


What could be the reason that evolution gave men a greater sex drive than women? Genetic logic suggests, going back thousands of generations, those males who were easily and frequently aroused and grabbed every opportunity for sex, produced more kids than those who weren’t. It can be said that evolution selected men for quick arousal and guaranteed orgasm.

Then why is this not true for women? Study by Masters and Johanson has suggested that although female arousal may facilitate conception but they don’t need arousal or orgasm to reproduce. To put it in evolutionary terms, sexual arousal in women was not as crucial for the survival of the species as it was in men. More to it, sexual encounter for women, whether they enjoyed it or not, came with a cost of pregnancy and child rearing responsibilities, for which they needed someone who could safeguard and ensure survival of the offspring. This made women to prefer men who were ready for long term commitment.


What Women Want Love or Sex

“Evolution has shaped men and women to perceive sex differently”


Thus we can safely assume that evolution has shaped men and women to perceive sex differently, that could well explain the contrast in perceiving and judging the sexual motives of each other. Inaccurate attribution of sexual interest may lead to some real problems, especially for men. A man approaching a woman, believing she is sexually interested, which might be due to his inaccurate perception, may get slapped with charges of sexual harassment or even sexual aggression or coercion.

Men’s tendency to overestimate women’s willingness to indulge in sex may stem from three sources, misinterpretation of women’s subtle courtship gestures, biased emphasis on unreliable indicators of sexual interest, and the possibility that men have more to lose by underestimating rather than overestimating women’s sexual interest.


Reading Between The Lines

Decoding subtle signals of women and converting it into a sexual opportunity is an art that men need to learn. Women often use nonverbal cues to convey their sexual interest in men such as eye contact, eyebrow flashing, open body posture, smiling, playing with hairs, etc.


What Women Want Subtle Signals

“Women often use nonverbal cues to convey their sexual interest in men”


Studies suggest, women use more subtle sexual signals to perhaps avoid being tagged as promiscuous or they might be looking for more time to evaluate qualitative aspects of men or their potential interest into themselves. Because women tend to use more indirect approaches to signal their sexual interests, men who are more understanding and sensitive to these covert cues may have more successful dating outcomes.


Perceiving It Right

One of the most unreliable indicators of women’s sexual interest is their clothing that most men tend to misinterpret. Women may dress in sexier clothing just to make themselves feel more beautiful and desirable. Even if their clothing is meant to signal sexual interest, that may only be for attractive men or a man of their interest. Thus it would be wrong to conclude a woman sexually inviting just because of her sexy clothing or appearance.


What Beautiful and Sexy Woman Want

“It would be wrong to conclude a woman ‘sexually inviting’ just because of her sexy appearance”


Furthermore, men are also prone to see women’s physical attractiveness as a sign of their sexual interest with an assumption that women, who are more attractive, are also more willing to have sex. However, reality is altogether different. Studies suggest, women’s physical attractiveness can’t be generalized with their sexual interest. In fact, women who are very attractive may even be less interested in sex with most men. Studies have shown that men, who focus more on women’s facial expression, instead of their looks and appearance, tend to be more successful at accurately perceiving women’s sexual interest.


She’ll Say Yes, if She Feels Loved

Evolutionarily, losing a mating opportunity has always been a costly affair for men as it compromised their chances of passing on their genes. This might explain men’s tendency to risk rejection due to the overperception of women’s sexual interest. Men who were more willing to initiate and approach women may have had more successful mating opportunities and thus, it would have helped evolve bias to overestimate women’s sexual interest. In fact, men’s attribution of sexual interest to women’s looks and appearance might be an evolved behavior in itself as missing a mating opportunity with an attractive woman (thus likely a fertile mate) would have been more costly than missing an opportunity with a less attractive woman.


Women want to be loved first

“Instead of a purely physical pleasure, women look for an emotionally satisfying experience”


Women think differently when it comes to sex. Even if they are sexually interested they would rarely go for sex in a very first meeting with a man. A man should be able to read between the lines and must know the social etiquette of approaching and treating a woman. Women take more time to evaluate the prospects of a sexual relationship even if it’s just a one night stand. Instead of a purely physical pleasure, women look for an emotionally satisfying experience as their orgasm is connected more with their emotional arousal. Most women want to be loved, to be listened to, to be desired, to be respected, to be needed, to be trusted and sometimes, just to be held. Women don’t want to play games to figure out if you are telling the truth, just be honest with them about the relationship.


Read More: How Perfumes Can Increase Your Sex Appeal

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for the diagnosis or treatment of men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions without consulting the doctor. While we review and promote nutrients, herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, and alternative therapies for men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products.


Posted by Asmidev in Communication, Men, Psychology, Relationship, Women, Yauvn Mantra
Kegel Exercise for Men: A Fitness Regimen for Sexual Health

Kegel Exercise for Men: A Fitness Regimen for Sexual Health

We keep constantly evolving throughout our life, however, on physical front we gradually move away from youthful vigor as our body age. Same is true with our sexual functionality. With time we become smarter, wiser, better communicator and learn how to treat a woman with admiration and respect that enhances our sex appeal but on the other hand our virility, vitality, stamina and sexual performance are on a decline. We start feeling problems with erection, ejaculation goes out of control, simultaneous orgasm becomes a distant reality, and desire for sex starts weaning. Loss of sexual vigor feeds self doubt that further deteriorates sexual performance. It is a vicious cycle.


Kegel Exercise for Men with Sexual Dysfunction Yauvn

“Loss of sexual vigor feeds self doubt that further deteriorates sexual performance”


The penis represents sexual identity of one’s masculine self. More than an organ, strong emotional values are attached with it as it symbolizes control over orgasmic pleasure. Thus, erection of penis is a physically and psychologically joyful experience. Personally and socially we all know, penis is important and so, it’s erection. Declining erectile health can be a nightmare that won’t listen to hopes and prayers until one is ready to take control of the situation. One such measure is Kegel exercise.


Kegel Exercise for Sexual Health

Earlier Kegel exercise was associated exclusively with women, specifically in post-pregnancy stages, for the purpose of vaginal toning, tightening and treatment of urinary incontinence. Recent studies have shown it to be beneficial for male sexual health as well.

Kegel exercise was discovered by Dr. Arnold Kegel in 1948 for the treatment of urinary incontinence. It is basically a deliberately done repeated contraction of pelvic floor muscles, same muscles that control our urination, ejaculation and bowl movement. For a better idea, every time you squeeze out the last few drops after urinating, you do it by contracting the pelvic floor muscles. To do a Kegel exercise, just practice as if you are stopping the flow of urine and do it repeatedly. Doing Kegel also strengthens the sphincter muscles that are intertwined with surrounding pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel exercises strengthen entire pelvic floor area for improved medical and sexual health purposes. Pelvic floor muscles act as interwoven web of uterus (in women), intestines, the bladder, internal genitalia, including prostate, anus and urethra. Within pelvic floor muscles, there are levator ani muscles, the pubococcygeus muscles, the puborectalis muscles, and the iliococcygeus muscles. The pubococcygeus muscles are spread over our internal reproductive organs, urethra and anus. With time pelvic floor muscles weaken and stretch, loosening our control over functions that these muscles mediate, including sexual functionality. Thus Kegel exercise is important for maintaining our sexual health as we age.


Improves Erectile Health


Kegel Exercise for Men Erectile Health

“Kegel exercise and erection go hand in hand”


Kegel has shown to improve erectile health through enhancing blood flow to the penis. It works by strengthening bulbocavernosus and the ischiocavernosus muscles that constitute the base of penis and serve as bridge muscles attached to the penis and pelvic floor muscles, both. There are three main cylindrical chambers inside penis, the corpus spongiosum and two larger chambers called the corpus cavernosum. When erection is stimulated, these chambers fill with blood to produce engorgement of the penis. This way Kegel exercise and blood flow to the penis go hand in hand to let the erection happen.


Improves Prostate Health

Strong pelvic floor muscles positively affect prostate health also. The prostate gland plays an important role in male reproductive health. It produces a thick, milky-white, slightly alkaline fluid that becomes part of the semen along with spermatozoa and seminal vesicle fluid. The alkalinity of semen helps neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging the lifespan of sperm. Circulatory benefits achieved by Kegel exercise have shown to alleviate prostate enlargement symptoms and improve overall prostate health.


Gives More Control over Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition where one ejaculates involuntarily before he intended to. It is one of the leading causes of sexual dysfunction that results in unsatisfactory experience of sex. Longer ejaculation latency is essential for good sexual performance that could make simultaneous orgasm possible.


Kegel Exercise for Men Premature Ejaculation

“Regular practice of Kegel improves control over ejaculation”


Kegel exercise can be of great help to enhance control over ejaculation through regular practice of start-stop-squeeze methods, along with ejaculatory peaking exercise. While practicing these techniques, one can contract the pelvic floor muscles just before reaching the climax or at the moment of ejaculatory inevitability. Doing an elongated contraction of pelvic muscles at this point of no return helps inhibit ejaculation. With the repeated practice one becomes more aware of their penile reflexes, and orgasmic as well as ejaculatory sensory experiences which helps manage higher states of arousal, sensation and orgasm.


Enhances Orgasmic Experience

Strong pelvic floor muscles produce powerful rhythmic contractions during ejaculation that makes orgasm feel like a shattering earthquake. As we know that Kegel exercises are associated with strong pelvic floor muscles, it helps create more force during the emission and expulsion of semen, resulting in more intense orgasm and ejaculatory trajectory.

Makes Multiple Orgasm a Reality


Kegel Exercise for Men Orgasm

“Kegel makes simultaneous orgasm a reality, in fact multiple orgasms!”


Strong pelvic floor muscles and enhanced control over ejaculatory contractions, achieved through Kegel exercise can be used to separate orgasm and ejaculation, allowing male multiple orgasm to happen. With gradual practice, body can learn to experience the rhythmic muscular contractions of orgasm without expelling the semen. This way Kegel exercise is used to contract the pelvic floor muscles while nearing the ejaculation to allow orgasm to be experienced but holding back the ejaculation itself. The benefits of multiple orgasm is, no loss of erection and no refractory period, thus significantly improving the sexual performance and quality of orgasm. Learning this technique may require some practice and time but considering the benefits, its worthwhile.


Kegel Workout Regimens

Best thing about Kegel exercise is, it can be practiced anytime, anywhere. One can start with three sets of 20 contractions each, totaling 60 on every alternate day e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Choose your convenient timings in morning, afternoon and evening and be regular with the sets. While practicing each sets, squeeze and hold for three seconds on every 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th contraction. You will soon notice the results with improved erectile health, better ejaculatory control and more satisfying experience of orgasm.

Considering the benefits, there’s no reason for not incorporating Kegel exercise into daily routine. One has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Kegel is easy, can be done anywhere and comes with numerous benefits for sexual wellness.


Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for the diagnosis or treatment of men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions without consulting the doctor. While we review and promote nutrients, herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, and alternative therapies for men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products.

Posted by Asmidev in Erectile Dysfunction, Fitness, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Men, Yauvn Mantra
How Perfumes can Increase Your Sex Appeal

How Perfumes can Increase Your Sex Appeal

Laws of attraction between a man and a woman are still an unsolved mystery. Myriad of theories have been proposed by psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists to explain it but how it all factors into true love or sex is even more mysterious.


What Women Want?

A number of surveys have suggested that men prefer looks while women prefer status. Looks versus status relationship makes evolutionary sense, as physical attractiveness of women indicate high fertility and men of high status are better able to ensure survival and rearing of children.


What Women Want

“Do women look for status only?”


But story doesn’t end here. Ensuring survival isn’t enough, the most important factor in the evolutionary game is survival of the fittest i.e. offspring must be healthy enough to thrive and be reproductively successful. Therefore a woman may prefer a man with material benefits, but most importantly he should be able to produce physically healthy children.

But what are the factors that determine whether a particular man can produce healthy children? The answer lies in his immune system. Our immune system determines what diseases we can defend against and what diseases we are carrying as recessive traits. However, more important is, how well a man’s immune system complements the woman’s immune system he is having sex with, and how unlikely both are to double up on recessive disease traits measure up. These two things ensure the robustness of the child’s immune system. Therefore, women are evolutionarily wired to find a healthy man, having different immune system from her own.


How do Women find the Right Man?

Our immune systems are coded by a group of genes called the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), and everyone, except identical twins, has a unique set of MHC genes. Our unique string of MHC genes are the genotype of our immune system and it’s external indication is our body-odor. This way our odor-print is as unique as our fingerprint.

In a famous “Sweaty T-shirt” experiment by Dr. Claus Wedekind, it was shown that women chose only those T-shirts as most sexy and pleasant smelling which belonged to men, having different immune systems from their own. A woman’s sense of smell not only responds to a man’s body odor in terms of his biological suitability, but women actually find, how a man smells, to be one of the most important factors in their sexual attraction. This way body-odor or scent and scent communication play important roles in human sexuality. Although it may not push potential mates into a lustful frenzy but smell can definitely color perceptions to enhance one’s sex appeal.


Perfumes for Men and Sex Appeal

“Pheromones act as subconscious sex signals”


Body scents may communicate other traits also which include facial symmetry, testosterone level and behavioral dominance. Studies have shown that a woman’s partner preferences change over their ovulatory cycle. Women at the high fertility point of ovulation preferred scents associated with facial/body symmetry and high testosterone level, symbolizing dominance.

Not much is known, why traits smell differently, but possibly it relates to hormones. For example, our armpits have odor releasing organs which contains hormone receptors. These organs secrete different types of bodily chemicals including alcohols, esters and fats. Studies have indicated the possibility of different mixes of hormones causing these organs to release different mixes of chemicals which might be responsible for our distinct body odor. These odor producing chemicals are also called pheromones, which are capable of influencing other’s behavior.

Pheromones are found in every species of insects and animals as sex attractants. These chemicals act as subconscious sex signals which are detected by a specialized structure VNO (Vomeronasal Organ) inside the nose. Pheromone signals are then transferred via neurons to the hypothalamus, a tiny but very important structure inside brain that is known for its capacity to alter emotions, hormonal balance, reproduction and sexual behavior.


Can Pheromones Make You Hot?

Recent studies have shown that it can alter mood, breathing, heart rate and body temperature but whether it can significantly enhance our sex appeal, is yet to be proven.


Cologne for Sex

“Perfumes laced with pheromones can significantly enhance our sex appeal, is yet to be proven”


Till now, three human pheromones have been detected, androstenol, androstenone, and copulins. Androstenol has been found to influence women’s perception of a man’s sexual attractiveness, intelligence and confidence. Androstenone is known to be the scent of male aggression and dominance which tends to attract women but repulses other men. Copulins is exclusive to the vaginal secretions and its smell has been shown to increase male testosterone level and positively influences perceived attractiveness of females.


Perfumes with Pheromones: Do They Work?

Perfumes mimicking scent of naturally occurring pheromones may improve your chances of having sex, however, it is not the replacement of the basic courtship behavior. Women may become friendlier but that doesn’t mean, they are sexually aroused. You may find them more inclined to talk with you with increased eye contacts, smiles etc. but your prospects depend much upon how well you handle and reciprocate to these gestures. Further, you may feel an increase in passionate sex with your partner, amplifying your self-confidence.


Perfumes for Men and Romance

“Women often have a certain affection for the way their partner smells naturally”


And before you jump onto spraying yourself with pheromone laced “cologne”, make sure it doesn’t causes allergic reactions by testing it on a small part of your skin first. If you develop rash or any unwanted bodily reactions, discontinue using them. Always look for the reputed brands before buying in to the claims that they contain human pheromones. However, don’t go so far to mask your natural scent completely as women often have a certain affection for the way their partner smells naturally.


Read More: What Women Want?

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for the diagnosis or treatment of men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions without consulting the doctor. While we review and promote nutrients, herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, and alternative therapies for men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products.


Posted by Asmidev in Beauty, Courting Etiquette, Fashion, Fragrances, Men, Yauvn Mantra
Vibrators are Your Companion to a Sensual, Sexual and Romantic Wellness

Vibrators are Your Companion to a Sensual, Sexual and Romantic Wellness

Have you ever thought about trying a vibrator? You’re not alone. Many women and men see vibrators as a sure shot way to achieve orgasm. Research has shown that those who use vibrator regularly are more easily aroused, better able to become lubricated and achieve an orgasm.


Vibrator for Sexual Health Yauvn

“Men and women, who use vibrators, are more attentive to their sexual health in terms of pleasure and care seeking, both.”


Further, it can be more than just a pleasure accessory: it can boost your health too. Surveys indicate, women using vibrators are significantly more likely to have a gynecologic exam and are more prone to perform a genital self examination on regular basis. Whereas men, who use vibrators alone or with their partner, are more likely to participate in sexual-health-promoting behaviors, such as testicular self-exams. This shows that men and women, who use vibrators, are more attentive to their sexual health in terms of pleasure and care seeking, both.


Vibrators for Sensual, Sexual and Romantic Wellness

There are multiple benefits of using vibrators to spice up your sex life. If you intend to use it on yourself, it can help you discover what turns you on without feeling any pressure, embarrassment, or expectations from your partner. You can also experiment with it all over your body to discover erogenous zones you might be unaware of. Knowing, what makes you feel good, will help your partner understand you better and make sex more pleasurable.


Vibrator for Sexual Health Men and Women Yauvn

“Vibrators are good for your relationship as they bring more pleasure to your sex life!”


Vibrators are good for fostering a healthy relationship also. Anything that brings more pleasure to your sex life is good for your relationship, and hence, incorporating a vibrator into your sexual routine can help boost your bond with your partner.

Here are just some of the reasons why vibrator is good for your health:


Great Sex Gets You Great Health

Vibrators can make sex more enjoyable by helping couples discover what turns them on. Having great sex can promote general health and wellbeing by improving mood and physically making you more relaxed. Use of sex toys can spice up a boring sex life, adding a new dimension to the exploration of pleasure. It can make you feel great with an awesome feel good experience during an orgasm.

Vibrators are Good for Vaginas

Gynaecological issues are some of the most uncomfortable experiences of menopause that could hamper one’s sex life. Declining levels of oestrogen hormone can cause vaginal dryness and atrophy which may lead to painful sex and decreased sex drive. Use of vibrators can help alleviate these symptoms by improving the elasticity of vaginal walls, sexual sensations and vaginal lubrication.

Vibrators can also be useful following gynaecological surgery or childbirth to keep the vaginal muscles flexible, preventing it from becoming too tight or too loose and also improve blood flow to the area to speed up the healing.

Vibrators Help Men Also

Men who use vibrators regularly are less likely to face the issues of erectile dysfunction, orgasmic failures and low sex drives. They also happen to be more aware of their sexual health, making them more likely to notice any abnormalities and seek medical attention. Furthermore, vibrators can help men overcome erectile dysfunction, following prostate surgery or treatment, heart disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions by improving the blood flow into the penis.

Penetration isn’t the only way to Orgasm

Foreplay is essential for a healthy sex life as most women just can’t orgasm through penetration alone, no matter how turned on they are. Women crave for little more attention, pampering, care and affection while having sex and this is what foreplay is all about. In a way, foreplay is a royal road to orgasm for women.


Vibrator for Women Sexual Health Yauvn

“Vibrators make your foreplay more exciting, for a more satisfying Orgasm!”


Use of vibrators during sex significantly enhances the experience of foreplay through a reliable stimulation of erogenous zones, especially clitoris, which is key to a satisfying climax. Also, vibrators can be really useful for women with vulval pain conditions such as vulvodynia where penetration is difficult to achieve.

Vibrators Help in Vaginismus

Vaginismus, a painful condition in which a woman’s vaginal muscles involuntarily or persistently contract when penetration is attempted, is generally treated using medical dilators of increasing sizes. Since not all women respond positively to dilator therapy, use of vibrators has been found to be of help here. Research has shown that low frequency vibrations of a vibrator can work as sedative for the pelvic floor muscles, whereas higher frequencies are more pleasure stimulating. As women already associate vibrator with pleasure, it’s perceived as well as actual effectiveness in vaginismus increases significantly.


After reading the benefits of using vibrators, if you are convinced to try one on yourself then here are few pointers for you.

  • Choose a vibrator that you feel comfortable using, rather than embarrassed or intimated. If you are a new user, go for one with multiple speeds as you never know what intensity would please you best.
  • Consider purchasing vibrators made of environment or body friendly materials such as Pyrex glass or medical grade silicon.
  • Vibrators are for intimate use, therefore it is important that you keep it clean before and after use to prevent genital irritation or bacterial imbalances. Use recommended methods to keep your toy in a hygienic condition.
  • Be careful before sharing. It is generally recommended not to share your sex toys with your partner unless both have been screened for sexually transmitted infections (STI).


When you’re both ready to explore this new dimension of sensual joyride, go for shopping together so that you can find the vibrator you’re both comfortable with. Then, play around with your toy to figure out the best way you both are compatible with it. Use it on yourself or each other — and don’t be afraid to let your partner take the lead.


Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treatment of men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions without consulting the doctor. While we review and promote nutrients, herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, and alternative therapies for men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products.


Posted by Asmidev in Erectile Dysfunction, Health, Leisure, Men, Sex Toys, Women, Yauvn Mantra
Which Is The Best Sex Position For Love Making

Which Is The Best Sex Position For Love Making

Ever wondered which is the most sensual and erotic sexual position? Well, if you ask men and women, both, the award would certainly go to the missionary sex position. No other position makes a woman feel so loving, affectionate, and close to her partner while comfortably lying on the back with her man on the top, taking complete care of her.

Since a woman’s experience of orgasm is more linked to her emotional arousal, missionary position lets women feel more intimate with their partner by being face to face, looking in to the eyes of each other, passionately kissing and exchanging expressions with every surge of pleasure. No wonder, many women find this position more comfortable to reach orgasm.

This position is equally alluring to men also as it gives them complete control over the moves, allows deep penetration, and gives greater control over the possibility of simultaneous orgasm.


Why Missionary Sex Position is The Best


Missionary Sex Position for Couple Yauvn

“Missionary sex position is so sensual and emotionally arousing that it helps women reach orgasm faster”


Emotionally Satisfying – Missionary sex position is the most romantic of all as it allows man and woman to be face to face and maintain eye contact while exploring each other in the most sensuous way. There is more skin to skin contact than in any other position and the couple can cuddle each other while having orgasm. Also, this position requires a woman to place high level of trust in the man-on-top, who’s controlling the rhythm and depth of his thrusts in the most sensitive part of her body. After all, being able to trust one’s partner is in itself a profound emotionally satisfying experience.

Most Comfortable Sex Position – Men and women, both, tend to have lots of apprehension when they contemplate sex for the first time. The discomfort of first intercourse is usually related to tension in the pelvic or thigh muscles and anxiety that might prevent usual vaginal lubrication. The simplicity of missionary position makes it well suited for the inexperienced as it allows easy entry into the vagina. The man can use gravity and force to gently push himself in, while the position allows woman to relax her vaginal muscles and help her partner guide his penis gently in with her hand.

In an observational study carried out in The Netherlands, magnetic resonance imaging was used to study the male and female genitals during coitus. The images illustrate the very natural fit of the male and female genitals in the missionary position. The penis has the shape of a boomerang—one third of its length consists of the root of the penis—and the vaginal walls wrap snugly around it.

Good for ConceptionStudies have shown that man-on-top positions are very good for couples who are trying to have a baby as it allows deep penetration. While having sex, if the woman holds on to her legs behind her knees and draws her thighs right back, sperm can be deposited deep in the vagina—at the neck of the womb. This could provide the best chance of conception occurring. Studies suggest, missionary sex position promotes fertility by keeping the vaginal opening higher than the seminal pool, which helps sperm move deep inside the womb and find the egg.

Women Reach Orgasm Faster – The missionary position is good for clitoral stimulation in several ways. This position can give women an orgasm inducing clitoral stimulation if the man leans forward and rubs his pelvic bone against her clitoris. Also, women can easily self-stimulate their clitoris while having sex in this position. It is equally convenient for men also to place fingers on clitoris and give gentle strokes to flare up the passion.

Good for Heart Health – As compared to other positions, sex in missionary position happens to be more physically vigorous. Studies have shown that man-on-top sex requires more metabolic expenditure with higher heart rate than in self-stimulation or partner stimulation or woman-on-top sex. Thus, it can be called a sort of aerobic exercise that’s good for heart health.


However, there are certain precautions also with this sex position that couples should take care of. Man-on-top sex can be uncomfortable or even unsafe at later stages of pregnancy. Beginning early in the second trimester, doctors tend to discourage pregnant women from supine exercise which is quite similar to the missionary position. Also, large hip thrusts and deep penetration of missionary sex may lead to over-stimulation of the penis that may cause premature ejaculation. Men can avoid this problem by changing positions frequently, or using some distraction and then switching back when ejaculation is no linger imminent. Additionally, men can try some herbal supplements as well to enhance their control over ejaculation.

The missionary sex position is a classic for a reason. It is one of the most comfortable and romantic sex positions. Couples are always face to face, every expression can be noticed, they are free to kiss and each partner feel being loved. Sometimes the best of pleasure comes in the most simple form and missionary position is a sensuous example of it.


Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for the diagnosis or treatment of men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions without consulting the doctor. While we review and promote nutrients, herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, and alternative therapies for men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products.


Posted by Asmidev in Ayurveda, Kamasutra, Men, Sex Positions, Women, Yauvn Mantra