
Kegel Exercise for Men: A Fitness Regimen for Sexual Health

Kegel Exercise for Men: A Fitness Regimen for Sexual Health

We keep constantly evolving throughout our life, however, on physical front we gradually move away from youthful vigor as our body age. Same is true with our sexual functionality. With time we become smarter, wiser, better communicator and learn how to treat a woman with admiration and respect that enhances our sex appeal but on the other hand our virility, vitality, stamina and sexual performance are on a decline. We start feeling problems with erection, ejaculation goes out of control, simultaneous orgasm becomes a distant reality, and desire for sex starts weaning. Loss of sexual vigor feeds self doubt that further deteriorates sexual performance. It is a vicious cycle.


Kegel Exercise for Men with Sexual Dysfunction Yauvn

“Loss of sexual vigor feeds self doubt that further deteriorates sexual performance”


The penis represents sexual identity of one’s masculine self. More than an organ, strong emotional values are attached with it as it symbolizes control over orgasmic pleasure. Thus, erection of penis is a physically and psychologically joyful experience. Personally and socially we all know, penis is important and so, it’s erection. Declining erectile health can be a nightmare that won’t listen to hopes and prayers until one is ready to take control of the situation. One such measure is Kegel exercise.


Kegel Exercise for Sexual Health

Earlier Kegel exercise was associated exclusively with women, specifically in post-pregnancy stages, for the purpose of vaginal toning, tightening and treatment of urinary incontinence. Recent studies have shown it to be beneficial for male sexual health as well.

Kegel exercise was discovered by Dr. Arnold Kegel in 1948 for the treatment of urinary incontinence. It is basically a deliberately done repeated contraction of pelvic floor muscles, same muscles that control our urination, ejaculation and bowl movement. For a better idea, every time you squeeze out the last few drops after urinating, you do it by contracting the pelvic floor muscles. To do a Kegel exercise, just practice as if you are stopping the flow of urine and do it repeatedly. Doing Kegel also strengthens the sphincter muscles that are intertwined with surrounding pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel exercises strengthen entire pelvic floor area for improved medical and sexual health purposes. Pelvic floor muscles act as interwoven web of uterus (in women), intestines, the bladder, internal genitalia, including prostate, anus and urethra. Within pelvic floor muscles, there are levator ani muscles, the pubococcygeus muscles, the puborectalis muscles, and the iliococcygeus muscles. The pubococcygeus muscles are spread over our internal reproductive organs, urethra and anus. With time pelvic floor muscles weaken and stretch, loosening our control over functions that these muscles mediate, including sexual functionality. Thus Kegel exercise is important for maintaining our sexual health as we age.


Improves Erectile Health


Kegel Exercise for Men Erectile Health

“Kegel exercise and erection go hand in hand”


Kegel has shown to improve erectile health through enhancing blood flow to the penis. It works by strengthening bulbocavernosus and the ischiocavernosus muscles that constitute the base of penis and serve as bridge muscles attached to the penis and pelvic floor muscles, both. There are three main cylindrical chambers inside penis, the corpus spongiosum and two larger chambers called the corpus cavernosum. When erection is stimulated, these chambers fill with blood to produce engorgement of the penis. This way Kegel exercise and blood flow to the penis go hand in hand to let the erection happen.


Improves Prostate Health

Strong pelvic floor muscles positively affect prostate health also. The prostate gland plays an important role in male reproductive health. It produces a thick, milky-white, slightly alkaline fluid that becomes part of the semen along with spermatozoa and seminal vesicle fluid. The alkalinity of semen helps neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging the lifespan of sperm. Circulatory benefits achieved by Kegel exercise have shown to alleviate prostate enlargement symptoms and improve overall prostate health.


Gives More Control over Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition where one ejaculates involuntarily before he intended to. It is one of the leading causes of sexual dysfunction that results in unsatisfactory experience of sex. Longer ejaculation latency is essential for good sexual performance that could make simultaneous orgasm possible.


Kegel Exercise for Men Premature Ejaculation

“Regular practice of Kegel improves control over ejaculation”


Kegel exercise can be of great help to enhance control over ejaculation through regular practice of start-stop-squeeze methods, along with ejaculatory peaking exercise. While practicing these techniques, one can contract the pelvic floor muscles just before reaching the climax or at the moment of ejaculatory inevitability. Doing an elongated contraction of pelvic muscles at this point of no return helps inhibit ejaculation. With the repeated practice one becomes more aware of their penile reflexes, and orgasmic as well as ejaculatory sensory experiences which helps manage higher states of arousal, sensation and orgasm.


Enhances Orgasmic Experience

Strong pelvic floor muscles produce powerful rhythmic contractions during ejaculation that makes orgasm feel like a shattering earthquake. As we know that Kegel exercises are associated with strong pelvic floor muscles, it helps create more force during the emission and expulsion of semen, resulting in more intense orgasm and ejaculatory trajectory.

Makes Multiple Orgasm a Reality


Kegel Exercise for Men Orgasm

“Kegel makes simultaneous orgasm a reality, in fact multiple orgasms!”


Strong pelvic floor muscles and enhanced control over ejaculatory contractions, achieved through Kegel exercise can be used to separate orgasm and ejaculation, allowing male multiple orgasm to happen. With gradual practice, body can learn to experience the rhythmic muscular contractions of orgasm without expelling the semen. This way Kegel exercise is used to contract the pelvic floor muscles while nearing the ejaculation to allow orgasm to be experienced but holding back the ejaculation itself. The benefits of multiple orgasm is, no loss of erection and no refractory period, thus significantly improving the sexual performance and quality of orgasm. Learning this technique may require some practice and time but considering the benefits, its worthwhile.


Kegel Workout Regimens

Best thing about Kegel exercise is, it can be practiced anytime, anywhere. One can start with three sets of 20 contractions each, totaling 60 on every alternate day e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Choose your convenient timings in morning, afternoon and evening and be regular with the sets. While practicing each sets, squeeze and hold for three seconds on every 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th contraction. You will soon notice the results with improved erectile health, better ejaculatory control and more satisfying experience of orgasm.

Considering the benefits, there’s no reason for not incorporating Kegel exercise into daily routine. One has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Kegel is easy, can be done anywhere and comes with numerous benefits for sexual wellness.


Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for the diagnosis or treatment of men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions without consulting the doctor. While we review and promote nutrients, herbs, Ayurvedic medicines, and alternative therapies for men’s and women’s sexual health and general health conditions, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products.

Posted by Asmidev in Erectile Dysfunction, Fitness, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Men, Yauvn Mantra